Office Hours
Once a month, we're opening our doors for a one-hour session to answer your most pressing questions about brand podcasting.
Each talk will feature insights from a brand podcasting expert, then the line is open for you to ask, and us to answer. How do you really make your brand podcast stand out? What do you need to know before hiring an agency? What does it really take to launch a podcast?
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September Office Hours
Steve Pratt kicks us off with his insights on creating a strategy to earn attention, because, in the end, attention is all that matters when it comes to content.
Steve is the co-founder and former Vice President of Pacific Content, founder of The Creativity Business and author of Earn It: Unconventional Strategies for Brave Marketers.
After decades of working in media, Steve knows that in a world full of content, what really matters is getting your consumers’ attention. Without it, you’ve got no value. If your brand podcast doesn’t get attention, that means no listeners and is essentially a waste of your time and money. With the right attention strategy, you unlock what podcasting can really do for your brand. To get that attention, you'll need to abandon the status-quo and get creative.
He’ll share his forward-thinking approach on how to nail an attention strategy that is as unique as your business.
An interactive live event
Following his talk, there will be 30-minutes of open-floor Q&A.
Attendees will also have the chance to win a copy of Steve's book "Earn It: Unconventional Strategies for Brave Marketers!
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We couldn't be more excited about our lineup.
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